okayh. arini aku nak membebel pasal what i had learn in class Psychology of Learning. usually blog ni hanya tulis apa yang aku nak citer, but tak salah kan nak citer ape yang aku dah blaja jugak ;)
First, let me define punishment ; it decrease the frequency of the response it follows. contoh paling senang, kena marah or gagal dalam exam and later, duit belanja kena tarik balik etc etc. its something yang korang akan dapat balasan atas apa yang korang buat. get it?
So, why there are Ineffective Forms of Punishment? kenapa ada hukuman yang tak efektif?

1) Physical Punishment
It may be the only means of keeping very young children from engaging in potentially harmful behaviors. contoh , ada certain budak2 yang menangis2 kat mall sebab nak parent dia belikan mainan. then they keep crying ingatkan parent akan beli. parent confirm feel annoyed and malu, antara diowang beli kan jugak, or kasi pelempang sedas. ;p thus, physical punishment happened. if parent pukul budak tuh, memang dia akan diam, but psychologically, budak tu diam sebab saket. diowang tak pandai associate kan pukul dengan tak dapat barang. memang dia tak akan mintak bukan2 lagi, tapi it can lead them to such undesirable behavior laen like benci mak dia, suka bersendiri etc.
2) Psychological Punishment
Usually in this case, teachers yang gunakan hurtful or harsh word towards their student sangatlah tak elok. itu hanya akan buat diowang low self-esteem and emotional well-being je. contoh, budak tak buat kerja sekolah, then cikgu terus maki hamun and cakap 'bodohla kau neh', 'mak tak ajar ke kat uma ntuk beradab' so on and so forth, akan membuatkan student tu malu depan orang ramai, and this will create potential to long term psychological harm. student tu akan not involve in class activities, menyendiri as well as hate the teachers.

3) Extra Classwork
Asking a student to complete makeup work for time missed at school is a reasonable request BUT assigning extra classwork or homework beyond the required for student is inappropriate if its simply to punish a student's wrongdoing. For example, student ni salah jawab soalan, and cekgu suruh tambah lagi 10 soalan ntuk dia sorang je. its not fair and this will make their attitudes toward the message that 'schoolwork is unpleasant '.
4) Out-of-school Suspension ( kena gantung sekolah )
Major sekolah kat sini memang mengamalkan gantung sekolah sebagai hukuman kat budak2 yang buat masalah and is usually not effective in changing student's behavior. sekolah selalu fikir, dah gantung student, kat uma akan kena mara ngan parent, after a week, balik sekolah and dah jadi budak baek. but actually its not! selalunya troublemaker kat sekolah neh ada underlying reason why they behave like that macam ponteng sekolah, datang lambat la, tak siap keje lah, fly etc etc. so its teachers duty to know why and change it. dont simply gantung budak tu seminggu then predict they will change.

5) Missing Recess
Ni pun slalu gak cekgu2 buat kat student kan.. 'tak siap kerja, tak boleh rehat'. orang kerja pon bising kalau waktu lunch dia kena amek betol tak? ni pulak budak2, although primary school children usually cakap recess is playtime, but still they can rest their mind from structured learning in class. so sangat tak adil ntuk amek waktu rehat dia as a punishment. there are lots of way to teach them.
So, sape yang jadi becoming teachers ke memang dah cekgu ke, can take this as a way they think, punishment that not change their student's behavior. ^_^
but korang perasan tak, cekgu skolah cina SANGAT garang! dulu aku pernah Choral Speaking kat skola cina, cekgu dia tampar je budak yang lalu kat dewan besar tu tau and i'm just like 'OMG!' gila garang. ;p but in other side, mungkin dengan buat cara2 di atas, buatkan budak tu rasa nak berubah and jadi baek. kan? ;)
p/s = tiba2 teringat masa aku jadi cekgu ganti taon lepas. bestnya! ;)